Derma One. Rebrand

A clinical rebrand that truly had skin in the game
Industry Setting
Derma One is a Bahrain based healthcare brand focused on skin beauty and associated treatments. Its founder Dr Nedhal Khalifa started the firm in 2006 in a nascent market that was free from any real or specialised competition. Many of the country’s patients would visit the skin care consultants of Lebanon for treatment and so building a solid business in the Kingdom was easier as there was a large and growing customer base. Since then the skin beauty and treatment market in the Kingdom and region have increased greatly with many focussed practitioners coming into direct competition with Derma One.
Challenges of a Healthcare Brand
Derma One was a high-quality practice with a very highly qualified chief consultant in Dr Nedhal. The healthcare brand consists of Derma One and Medspa by Derma One. What separated Derma One from its core competition was the exceptional quality of the services on offer. The healthcare brand as considered by its customers to be ‘the Bentley of the skin beauty and care market’; this perception, generated by Dr Nedhal’s expertise, was not being projected by the brand. With growing competition, the need for greater, more sophisticated brand communication was increasing. Another key issue was how to properly connect the Medspa offer to the parent brand without reducing the equity in the main Derma One brand.
Healthcare Brand Strategy
Through client workshops we helped to discover the brand’s true purpose – To empower people to be their best, it’s positioning of the expert and personality – the archangel. From this, we worked on brand values that would help the team to build a culture that could support this vision and result in the brand personality. These values were Trustworthy, Dynamic & Respectful. This culture was driven by a client promise to help you achieve your greatest natural beauty. These values were combined to create the brand DNA that drove the creative identity exercise. We then created the brand hierarchy of Derma One, Derma One Dr Nedhal, and Derma One Medspa to make sure customers could differentiate their expectations.
The brand has been rolled out to its core markets in the kingdom of Bahrain. The appreciation of the internal changes has been clearly identified by the internal team and shareholders alike. The final rendering of a sophisticated, expert brand has helped consumers to report on a considered perception of DO being ‘the leading brand in its field’.
Brand re-launch has enjoyed overwhelmingly positive reception by skin care customers and the dermatological aesthetics industry in Bahrain.
Services Delivered
Brand Strategy, Naming, Brand Design, Visual Identity, Slogan, Tone of Voice, Digital Design, Print & Graphic Design.
Beautiful skin requires commitment not a miracle.
Erno Laszlo.
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Hands down, one of the nicest derma clinics in the region.
Liam Farrell. Creative Director & Partner.
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